Lehigh Valley Birth Photographer- The birth of Easton

June 17, 2019

Londons home birth

The birth of Easton Grey. Literally a day I will never forget, its what brought me here to being a birth photographer. This birth literally changed my life in the best way.
London had won a home-birth in a giveaway around 35 weeks pregnant and she was looking to talk to someone about it before following through with her plans. Since I had just had a home-birth I reached out and talked to her about it and showed her my own birth photos. I ended up offering to take photos of her home-birth for her (with NO experience with a camera at all) and told her I would try my best but couldn’t promise anything. Ever since that day i’ve been hooked! Some photos from her home-birth are below.

Londons birth story in her own words

It was always my dream to have a home water birth. With uneducated doubts and questions, we chose to have Lincoln at the hospital. This pregnancy, we still planned to have him at the hospital, but I knew I’d always regret it..
At 34 weeks a midwife in a moms group I’m apart of posted a Mother’s Day giveaway of a free homebirth. I entered not thinking much of it, but I won! I cried for weeks I think! We met with the midwife and Corey and I agreed that “we could do this!”
Fast forward to Monday 6/17/19. I had a visit with our midwife I was 4 cm dilated. We agreed do strip my membranes in hopes we’d have a baby soon (about 10:40 am). By 11:30 am I had contractions ever 2 minutes. Our midwife got to my house around 2:40 pm. I did most of my laboring walking around, but eventually I stayed by the pool as it filled up. Once I got in the pool it didn’t take long for my body to do it’s job. I pushed his head out on my own and tried to completely deliver him on my own. *thats the amazing part about homebirth / having a midwife and doula. They allowed me to follow my instincts and listen to my body. They never “made me” do anything. I was able to start pushing when I wanted to. In fact , no one knew I was pushing until he was almost out!*
Easton was born at 3:47pm.

Now that I have had both hospital and home birth, there is truly no comparing. It was the best experience ever and I’m so so thankful that we had the chance to do it!

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