The Birth of Osiris- Scranton Birth Photographer
This was one of those births where I was certain there was NO way I was going to make it on time.
I got the message on a Thursday morning that her water had broken. I was certain that the baby would be coming that day but he had other plans. Thursday evening I laid down at 8pm because contractions were around 5 minutes apart and I was ready to leave at any moment. I thought for sure Id be lucky to get at-least an hour of sleep.
I woke up at 3am in a panic, what is going on?! Did I miss it?! I was told to leave now and they were about 2-3 minutes apart and really intense. I had an hour drive, I was certain there was NO way I would make it in time.
With my destination 10 minutes away I got a message that she was pushing. I was so bummed, there was no way I’d make it in the door in time. Much to my surprise I finally made it. I walked into the door to hear those deep groans that you know means that baby is coming!
Right after me the midwife arrived. I swear this baby was waiting for the midwife because not more than a few minutes later as the midwife asked her to lift her leg up to see how things were when she was pushing the babies head instantly came out!
Midwife: Christina Bordeau
Doua: Nicole Laudenslager
Nudity Warning